Tommie grew up around horses.His first job in bringing out the best in a horse was the in auction ring. At the age of 10, Tommie would be paid by horse owners to ride their young untrained or poorly trained horses in and around the auction ring. He would jump on with just a halter and ride bareback back and forth in the 12x20 foot ring while the auctioneer proclaimed "look even a 10 year old kid can ride this horse with no saddle". Walking around the auction people recognized him and said "great riding" and "nice job with that horse". Tommie can't recall if horses sold for more money because of his riding, but being in front of an audience with a horse was a thrill. He got bit by the entertainment bug and Tommie Turvey the entertainer was born.
In 1989 at 19 years old, Tommie began working at Arabian Nights in Kissimmee FL. He got to work with legendary horse trainers Glen Randall, Corky Randall, Kim Barteau, Rex Rossi, and Gaylord Maynard. They were all performers or trainers in the show and Tommie took every moment he could to watch and learn from them.

Roman Riding, Trick riding, Bareback, Liberty, Driving, Dressage...
All this while performing in front of 1200 dinner guests.
Tommie's favorite act was the "Riding"act, aka"Bareback" aka"Rosinback". This act allows the rider to ride any way he/she chooses. Standing on a cantering horse, he would jump though rings of fire and back summersault from one horse to another all this while maintaining a beautiful artistic pose.
Tommie landed a job in Paris France in 1992 working for Mario Luraschi, one of the greatest horseman alive. After two years Tommie returned and toured with the Royal Haneford Circus. After three years he developed and created his own signature acts, including THE RIDING INSTRUCTOR
with over 7 million views on Youtube.