How to Teach a Horse to Bow
One of the coolest things you can do with a horse is teach it to bow. It’s a neat trick that is sure to impress your friends, and it’s not as difficult as you might think. In this article, we’ll show you how to teach your horse to bow in just a few easy steps.
Teach a Horse to Bow
Method 1
Your horse must first be trained to back up in order to be able to be trained to bow. This is an important step because the horse needs to be able to easily move its hind legs in order to stretch out into a bow. Face your horse head-on and apply light pressure on the halter while you walk towards them and move the lead rope toward its chest.
Next, you’ll want to make sure your horse is familiar and comfortable with their legs being touched and lifted before moving on to the next step
For the bow, you’ll want your horse to bend one front leg and bring it to the ground. Stand next to their front leg and use your hand to apply backward pressure slightly below the shoulder blade. This will cause them to pull back, bend their leg and touch the ground. Always reward them after!
Method 2
This method is very similar to the first method but with a slight variation. First, get them to back up like we discussed in method 1. While tugging on the rope to prompt them to back up, tap on their knee to encourage the leg to bend and go to the ground. Afterward, be sure to reward them.
With these two methods, you should be able to teach your horse to bow in no time! Even more articles on horses and training are right here at